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Joe retired from his role as a professor of journalism at Loyalist College of Applied Arts and Technology in June 2013.

As a faculty member, Joe was coordinator of the Journalism: Online, Print and Broadcast program and was part of a faculty team that oversaw a major transition in the world of journalism; from broadcast  journalism and print journalism to online journalism which includes both.

In 2011, he completed a masters degree in Integrated Studies where the focus of his research was accuracy in newspaper newsrooms across Ontario. He completed his master’s thesis under the supervision of Ivor Shapiro at Ryerson University.

While doing research, Joe became interested in standards of practice in the field of journalism. This interest motivated his involvement with Veritas-Advancing Journalism in the Public Interest ( where he is now past chair of the Board of Directors.

As well as his work with Veritas, a charitable organization, Joe continues to do regular freelance journalism projects. He has been contracted by Thomega Entertainment to work on its television documentary projects. His initial training and professional practice was as a photographer but he now spends as much time writing and editing and most recently voice-over for broadcast.

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